[Movie] Why You Should Start Watching Netflix Series (Must Watch Ones)

by - 11:32 AM

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Postingan ini terinspirasi dari obrolan dengan salah satu sahabatku. Kami membicarakan beberapa film yang bagus untuk ditonton, tepat pada saat itu aku sadar tentang sesuatu. Aku belum nonton satu pun K-Drama setelah Because This Is My First Life. Aku mulai mikirin, kenapa ya? Lalu, aku sadar itu karena aku belum menemukan K-Drama lain yang menerutku layak ditonton seperti BTIMFL. Lalu, pertanyaan selanjutnya, kenapa aku sesuka itu dengan BTIMFL? Aku suka drama itu mengangkat hal-hal yang biasanya dikhawatirkan oleh generasi muda: pernikahan dan pekerjaan. Dengan kata lain, aku suka bagaimana ceritanya bisa dekat dengan pengalaman kehidupan nyata kebanyakan orang. Lalu, aku juga jadi sadar, semakin ke sini, semakin susah cari K-Drama yang seperti itu. Kebanyakan K-Drama hanya bercerita seputar kemewahan atau fantasi yang gak masuk akal (seegaknya yang aku temui, ya).

Yang aku mau coba bilang adalah, semakin aku dewasa dan juga dari apa yang aku pelajari sebagai mahasiswa jurusan sastra, ternyata film atau drama atau novel atau hiburan apa pun itu lebih bermakna kalau menggambarkan kehidupan nyata. Ya, aku gak maksa kalian untuk suka yang kayak gitu juga, sih. Kebanyakan karya yang kayak gitu emang kadang agak susah dicerna. Tapi, aku mau kasih tau kelebihannya. Kalian akan mendapatkan banyak hal dari karya-karya seperti itu. Banyak cerita tentang kehidupan yang jarang orang-orang mau bicarakan. Kalian juga bisa jadi lebih open-minded karena dapat perspektif baru jadi bisa bikin gak terlalu gampang nge-judge apa pun atau siapa pun, nih (hmm ini juga self-reminder untukku).

Aku semangat banget mau kasih tau ini ke kalian. Aku sudah nemu hiburan yang bisa bikin kalian kayak gitu, yaitu..... Netflix Series!

Yap, akhirnya kita sampai di bagian yang sebenernya aku mau omongin di post ini. Sorry not sorry, intro-nya kepanjangan ya haha. Aku mulai kenal Netflix saat cari-cari hiburan pengganti drakor. Aku ingat banyak banget orang yang bilang series-series di Netflix itu seru. Ini beberapa serial yang sudah aku tonton.

Hi, welcome to my blog!

This post is inspired by a late conversation I've done earlier with one of my best buds. We were talking about some awesome movies to watch, that's when something crossed my mind. I realized that I haven't watched any single one of K-Drama since Because This Is My First Life. I tried to figure out why then I know it's because I haven't found the one which fulfills my expectation on what I call as a-worth-it-K-Drama-to-watch like BTIML does. The question is, why do I love BTIML that much? I love how it brings up the most common worries that every young adult has: marriage and work. In other words, I love how its story is so close to real life experience. It came up in my mind that many recent K-Dramas do not offer this feeling. There are many of them whose story revolves around either luxury or way high of fantasy.

What I'm trying to say is, as I get older and mostly because of what I learned as a literature student, movies or dramas or novels or any other kind of entertainments are more meaningful if they can represent real-life events. I don't force you to like that kind of entertainments too, because some of them can be way too hard to handle. But, let me tell you the biggest benefits you can earn by watching them. They will enrich yourself. They tell you so much about this life which people rarely want to talk about. They will give you new perspectives on how to see this world so that you won't find the need to being judgemental on everything (this is also my self-reminder). I'm happy to announce that I found all of those criterions on..... Netflix Series!

Yup, we finally come to the part which I'm actually want to talk about in this post. Sorry not sorry for the long intro hahaha. It began while I was looking for substitute entertainment for K-Drama. I remembered how a lot of people were talking about Netflix. So, I gave it a try. Here are some series that I've watched.

1.   13 Reasons Why (2017--)

Hasil gambar untuk 13 reasons why

Oke, ini N-Series yang pertama kali banget aku tonton dan aku super suka!  13 Reasons Why menceritakan seorang remaja, Clay Jensen, yang mencoba untuk mengungkap alasan teman sekelasnya sekaligus orang yang ia suka, Hannah Baker, mengakhiri hidup. Hannah membuat 13 rekaman yang masing-masing berisi cerita perilaku 13 orang yang memicu bunuh diri.

Aku suka serial ini karena mengangkat topik yang emang rahasia publik: bullying dan pelecehan seksual di kalangan remaja. Keliatan banget cerita serial ini mau mengkritik dua hal yang ga pernah selesai itu. Percaya atau gak, dua kasus itu masih menghantui banyak remaja, di mana pun mereka.

Sedihnya, aku cuma suka season 1-nya. Buat aku, season 2 gak terlalu menarik kayak season 1. Aku ngerasa, serial ini bakal lebih "ngena" kalau ceritanya selesai setelah kasus Hannah terpecahkan. Cerita season 2 kayak terlalu dipaksakan. Tapi, ya, mungkin cuma aku yang ngerasa kayak gitu. Aku dengar season 3 akan ditayangkan tahun ini. Berita bagus, nih, buat kalian yang masih mengikuti serial ini.

Okay, this is the first-ever N-Series I watched and I was hooked! It's about a teenager, Clay Jensen, who tries to uncover the reasons why her classmate and crush, Hannah Baker, to end her life. Hannah makes 13 tapes where she told the stories of what every 13 persons did that trigger her to make that decision. 

I love how this series brings up a topic which are open secrets: bullying and sexual assault between teenagers. We can tell from the story that this series really want to criticize these never ending issues. Believe it or not, these inappropriate actions are still haunting many teenagers wherever they are.

Sadly, I'm only hooked by the first season. I don't feel that much connections with the second season like I do with the first one. I feel like the story would be better if it ends only until the case of Hannah is solved. But, probably it's just me. I heard that season 3 is coming this year. That would be good news if you're still following this series.

2.   After Life (2019--)

Hasil gambar untuk after life

Aku sudah nonton beberapa series setelah 13 Reasons Why, tapi belum ada lagi yang "sengena" itu. Akhirnya, aku nemu lagi yang seru. After Life menceritakan Tony yang memperlakukan orang-orang di sekitarnya dengan sikap buruk setelah istrinya meninggal. Dia ngerasa sudah gak ada gunanya lagi hidup tanpa istri kesayangannya di sampingnya. Yang menarik dari series ini adalah kita bisa merasakan bagaimana niat bunuh diri memengaruhi pikiran seseorang, langsung dari perspektif orang yang merasakan hal itu. Aku juga suka banget amanat di ending season 1: tujuan kalian hidup itu adalah untuk bermanfaat bagi orang lain. Sumpah ini serial recommended banget. Gak sabar mau nonton season 2-nya.

I have watched some other N-Series after 13 Reasons Why, but none of them are as attractive as it is. Finally, I found the one which caught my eyes again. After Life is about Tony who punishes everyone around him with bad attitudes after his wife died. He finds no purpose anymore to keep living without his wife beside him. This series talks about depression as a result of losing the loved one. We can see how suicidal intention takes over someone's mind, directly from the person's perspective. I love the fact that season 1 ends with this lesson: the meaning of life is how beneficial you are for other people. Definitely, one of best series to check out. Looking forward to season 2.

3.   Russian Doll (2019--)

Hasil gambar untuk russian doll review

Aku sebenarnya tertarik mau nonton ini cuma karena posternya yang unik. Ternyata, series ini jauh lebih keren dari itu. Russian Doll menceritakan seorang perempuan yang terjebak dalam situasi mati-hidup. Ia terus mati dan hidup kembali. Ketika hidup kembali, ia balik ke dalam toilet di apartemennya, tepat pada malam pesta ulang tahunnya. Awal-awal nonton ini, aku kayak, oke dia mati terus hidup terus mati terus hidup lagi begitu terus, ya apa sebenernya yang mau disampaikan?

Setelah baca beberapa review, ternyata banyak banget hal yang disimbolkan dalam film ini. Keadaan dia selalu kembali ke masa lalu menyiratkan orang-orang yang kecanduan obat-obatan dan alkohol. Mereka selalu mengulang pola perilaku yang sama, kambuh-sembuh. Tokoh Nadia yang selalu hidup kembali dan mendapati dirinya di toilet melambangkan tempat para pecandu sering kambuh. Serial ini banyak banget menceritakan hal tentang kehidupan orang-orang yang melampiaskan masalah mereka dengan mengonsumsi dua barang itu. Selain itu, masih banyak lagi simbol-simbol di serial ini yang akan lebih seru kalau kalian temukan sendiri saat menonton.

Yang bikin serial ini sebagus itu adalah sebegitu detail hal-hal yang mau dilambangkan dalam serial ini. Bahkan, detail terkecil aja pasti berarti dan mewakili sesuatu. Serial ini emang cuma menceritakan seseorang yang bolak-balik hidup-mati, tapi gak ngebosenin sama sekali. Ini salah satu jenis serial yang terus bikin penonton penasaran gak bisa berhenti lanjut nonton episode berikutnya. Super recommended!

I am actually interested to watch this because of its poster. Turns out, it offers way more than that. Russian Doll is about a young new yorker woman who finds herself trapped in constant dying and living situation. She keeps dying and living over and over; keeps coming back to her bathroom's apartment on the night of her birthday party. At first, I was like, okay, she is dead and back to live repeatedly, so what? What are they really trying to spill out?

After reading some reviews of it, apparently, there are so many things which are symbolized in this series. Strange time loop symbolizes how drugs and alcohol addiction feels for the sufferers. They often find themselves repeating the same patterns of behavior. Nadia's life-comeback in bathroom symbolizes this behavior that usually occurs in there. This series tells so much about the story of people who are taking drugs and alcohol as an escape to avoid their emotional problems. You will find more once you watch it.

What makes this series seems to be that perfect is how detailed it is. Even the smallest detail in this series does mean and represent something. The fact that the plot is dwelling only on repeating death and live, it won't bore you at all. This is that kind of series that makes you can't stop to continue watching the next episodes. Highly recommended!


Bisa dibilang, series-series Netflix itu emang hiburan yang modern. Kenapa? Karena cerita-ceritanya gamblang banget. Kalau kalian belum pernah nonton film Netflix sama sekali dan mau coba nonton, siap-siap, ya. Banyak banget hal-hal yang mungkin menurut kalian, agak "parah". Adegan sex yang terang-terangan lumayan banyak, kata-kata makian yang gak disensor sama sekali, dan masih banyak lagi adegan yang mungkin bakal bikin kalian agak kurang nyaman. Tapi, seperti yang aku udah bilang, Netflix banyak memberikan hiburan yang terinspirasi dari kisah nyata dan orang-orang jadi bisa merasa terhubung dengan itu. Mereka juga gak segan mengangkat cerita-cerita yang mungkin belum pernah kalian dengar. Netflix bakal bikin pikiran kalian jadi lebih terbuka.

You can classify N-Series as a contemporary show. Why? Because its story is so straightforward. If you are about to watch N-Series and haven't seen any of it before, my advice is to prepare yourself. You will find many of what you may consider as unpleasant materials. There will be a lot of uncensored cursing, explicit sex scenes, and any other parts that can cause discomforts. However, as I said before, N-Series provides a lot of entertaining real-life-inspired story which everyone can relate. It's boldly lifting up those hidden stories that no one would have ever told you about. Watching N-Series, You will experience those mesmerizing and eye-opening moments for sure.

Besides those three Series I'm reviewing in this post, There are other series which even though are may not really a social-based story, they are still a binge to watch.

Hasil gambar untuk sex education   Jessica Barden and Alex Lawther in The End of the F***ing World (2017)

Have you ever seen any of these series? If you have, what do you think about them? Comment down below or/and tell me more of awesome ones on Netflix!

- Wilda

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